Youthcentrix develops, administers, and disseminates programs
and direct pediatric therapy services to advance the social and emotional development of youth. We believe youth potentials
should exceed the resources and paradigms of generations past.
Contracted Home Health Therapy provides outsourced Occupational Therapy services to contracting agencies.
Common Diagnoses:
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Emotional Disturbance
Oppositional Defiance
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Adjustment Disorder
Failure to Thrive
Learning Disability (LD)
Pediatric Occupational Therapy is specialized in addressing general
Occupational Therapy related skills (handwriting, equipment and
adaptations, education model Occupational Therapy, and self-care), community living, work performance, social and emotional learning, executive function, and sensory integration. We serve youth, not their diagnosis.
Pediatric Speech Therapy addresses social skill development, verbal and nonverbal communication, Assistive Technology for functional communication, and oral sensory-integration.
Pediatric Social Work addresses families resources and case management needs, provides mental health services, and social work crisis management/ as needed support.